Please see the following opening hours over the Christmas period. We are unable to operate a ‘walk in’ service over the Christmas period. Please can you make an appointment by phone on 2983950. Please note that 27th, 30th and 31st December are for urgent appointments. 23rd December Normal Hours 24th December 8.30am to 11am 25th …
We are going to continue to see patients by appointment ONLY in mornings and afternoons. We would be grateful to all patients helping us to achieve this. Please call the surgery on 2983950
A cervical screening test (previously known as a smear test) looks to see if you might be at greater risk of developing cervical cancer in the future. This is why it can be so effective in reducing the risk of cancer. On 30 March 2020, HPV cervical screening will be introduced. This is a new way …